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About: Jamieson

Posts by Jamieson:

When is a Corneal Transplant Necessary?

The eye has several parts, all of which perform a vital role in vision. The cornea is the part of the eye that covers the pupil. It is a clear piece of tissue that protects the inner eye and also focuses light that passes through to the eyes’ lenses and retinas. Without focus, as it […]

Is Cataract Surgery Permanent?

When you develop cataracts, you’ve got time to decide how and when you will deal with them. Cataracts typically develop over several years. As an increasing number of protein particles accumulate in the lens of the eye, vision becomes more and more clouded. Often, patients decide to have cataract removal when the clouding that has […]

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Give Your Eyes a Wellness Exam to Start the New Year Right

Health and wellness tend to be hot topics at the beginning of each new year. After the year we’ve just come through, the tone of health and wellness may be slightly different. We’re still thinking about how we can slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Still, […]

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Tips for Winter Dry Eyes

The winter air is cold. The cold air is dry. When the air is cold, we tend to use indoor heaters to make ourselves more comfortable. While the warmth may feel cozy to the body overall, indoor heat dries the air even more. So, while you’re able to be indoors without being bundled up, your […]

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First Time Getting Botox? Here’s How it Will Go!

Botox cosmetic was not the first injectable treatment, but it is the most well-known. It is often thought of as the original cosmetic injectable, and for good reason. Before 2002, when the FDA approved this drug, few others had made it to the global market. Since Botox emerged nearly 20 years ago, it has reached […]

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What is PRK?

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are common eye conditions, They are often corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. For people who want long-term vision correction that decreases their reliance on these remedies, there is LASIK. Because this laser eye procedure is well-known, people often don’t know that there is an alternative. LASIK is a wonderful treatment […]

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Choosing an Intraocular Lens for Cataract Removal Surgery

According to statistics, approximately 90% of older adults will develop cataracts. This condition is a leading cause of vision loss. Fortunately, the clouding that is caused by a buildup of protein in the lens of the eye is not irreparable. Cataract surgery has been one of the most common eye procedures for many years. This […]

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These Habits are Fitness for Your Eyes

We’ve become educated over the past several years about the vital necessity of nutrition and exercise. This awareness that our good health is not guaranteed leads many people to develop habits that help them manage their weight, blood pressure, and other important aspects of health. While we’re at it, we can also benefit from exploring […]

Our Aesthetics Center Has Solutions for Tired-Looking Eyes

The signs of aging are going to appear. We all know that. However, when aging skin makes the face look fatigued, unwell, or unfriendly, one may become self-conscious. This is the time when the concept of aging gracefully may be questioned. What does it look like to age gracefully? For many, the process involves nonsurgical […]

Why LASIK is a Good Idea

Wearing eyeglasses is novel for many people, at least for a short while. At some point, though, frustration may occur due to the frequent need to clean lenses and push glasses up on the bridge of the nose, where they slide from with amazing speed. The common alternative for folks who have wanted to gain […]

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