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About: Jamieson

Posts by Jamieson:

4 eye habits that keep your vision healthy 5ce3907d3ee76

4 Eye Habits That Keep Your Vision Healthy

When most people think about the process of healthy aging, anti-wrinkle cream may come to mind. But in America, where one in three people suffers from a vision-impairing eye condition by the age of 65, healthy aging requires establishing good habits early in life to protect vision and eyes. While an underlying disease may not […]

the importance of childrens eye health and safety month 5ce3908342d72

The Importance of Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

This August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. While most parents go above and beyond to keep their children safe, it is easy to neglect regular examinations of the eyes, arguably the most important sensory organ of the body. A critical part of maintaining your child’s health should include annual trips to an eye […]

uv safety month how summer rays harm eyes 5ce3908930df2

UV Safety Month: How Summer Rays Harm Eyes

While we all know that UV rays can damage eyes, few people realize the extent to which UV rays are present in daily activities. It is easy to neglect proper eye safety without realizing you are doing so. Though it is typical for people to use sunglasses when brightness outdoors becomes overwhelming, it’s important to […]

dont let fireworks harm your eyes 5ce3908e93c2a

Don’t Let Fireworks Harm Your Eyes

With Independence Day approaching, fireworks are often considered a big part of the festivities for many families celebrating this holiday. However, these explosives come at a cost: thousands of men, women, and children are admitted to the emergency room with traumatic eye injuries in the two weeks leading up to Independence Day and afterward. The […]

the dangers of leaving cataracts untreated 5ce3909392b4f

The Dangers of Leaving Cataracts Untreated

With summer underway it can be tempting to put aside important health issues and take care of them later. Cataracts, however, cause more issues down the line the longer they are left untreated, decreasing a patient’s quality of life and independence as vision becomes increasingly cloudy, and even becoming more difficult to remove if neglected […]

eye fact or fiction we bust eye myths 5ce390987348f

Eye Fact or Fiction? We Bust Eye Myths

Over the years, our patients have shared some pretty interesting ideas about what helps and hurts eyes. We’ve heard all kind of things ranging from funny, to insightful, to concerning. Because May is Healthy Vision month, we’re devoting an entire blog separating fact and fiction. For healthy vision, people should eat plenty of carrots. Yes […]

spring allergies hurting your eyes 5ce3909d90b22

Spring Allergies Hurting Your Eyes?

Spring is finally here, but with warmer weather, flowers, and budding trees, come those dreaded seasonal allergies. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 50 million people in the United States have seasonal allergies, and its prevalence is increasing—affecting up to 30% of adults and up to 40% of children. In addition […]

could a change in diet help prevent sight stealing disease 5ce390a37ca4f

Could a Change in Diet Help Prevent Sight-Stealing Disease?

More than 11 million Americans are currently living with age-related macular degeneration, but by 2050 it is estimated that number will double. AMD is the leading cause of vision loss for adults over the age of 50, however, recent research has found that certain lifestyle changes may reduce your risk of contracting AMD, and could […]

tips to keep your eyes comfortable and safe this winter 5ce390a552e0d

Tips to Keep Your Eyes Comfortable and Safe This Winter

Winter weather is here and for some of us that means more time indoors, cranking up the furnace, and maybe making a fire in the fireplace. For others, it’s the green light to get outside and play. No matter where this weather leads you, we have tips and tricks to keep your eyes safe and […]

choosing wrong toy could be hazardous 5ce390a99aedb

Choosing Wrong Toy Could Be Hazardous

Few things are more enjoyable than watching childrens’ faces light up when they open a new toy. And while we all love being the one responsible for giving that joy, none of us wants to be associated with the increased risk of eye injuries. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 250,000 children […]

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