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About: Jamieson

Posts by Jamieson:

darker commute highlights potential eye disease 5ce390abad083

Darker Commute Highlights Potential Eye Disease

As Autumn creeps in, daylight fades. It’s something we really can’t do anything about.  For many of us, Sunday’s clock change and the darker evenings makes for a challenging drive home. One of the most frequent complaints we see this time of year is about difficulty during nighttime driving. This issue can affect any age […]

solar eclipse could cause damage to vision 5ce390b5d03a1

Solar Eclipse Could Cause Damage to Vision

Next week, there will be a unique astronomical event sweeping across America: a rare, once in a lifetime opportunity to observe the Total Solar Eclipse. The last time this happened was on February 26, 1979, when another total eclipse was visible from the Pacific Northwest. If we count only the total eclipses visible from the […]

keeping your eyes healthy as you age 5ce390b0e0f19

Keeping Your Eyes Healthy as You Age

As we grow older, we try to retain our physical strength, our looks, and of course, our vision. But a growing trend suggests that Americans are not taking care of their vision as they reach an older age. One in six people age 65 and older have a vision impairment that cannot be corrected with […]

10 tips for better vision 5ce390b745cbe

10 Tips for Better Vision

You only have one pair of eyes, and it is up to you to protect and preserve them. Not all eye diseases are preventable, but things like scheduling regular check-ups, eating a healthy diet, and wearing sunglasses can help. Here are some small tips that offer a big impact we think you can benefit from. […]

summer eye dangers 5ce390bb3f8f8

Summer Eye Dangers

Summer is upon us and that means lots of fun for you and your family, but plenty of danger for your eyes. Here are some of the best tips for keeping your eyes healthy during the summer months: Wear Sunglasses with Ultraviolet Protection We slather our skin with sunscreen when outdoors, but what about our eyes? […]

national womens eye health month 5ce390c04ca8c

National Women’s Eye Health Month

This month is for the ladies. April is dedicated to women’s eye health month, which is important because when it comes to eye health, gender may play a major role. Women, on average, are more likely to experience health problems related to their eyes than men–it has been estimated that two-thirds of all documented visual […]

healthy eating healthy eyes 5ce390c5c47f7

Healthy Eating, Healthy Eyes

Growing up, your parents probably told you to eat carrots to improve your eye health. You probably now tell your own children to finish their carrots in order to have better eyesight. And while carrots do help keep your eyes healthy, there are a number of other foods that can help preserve your vision as […]

leave these eye damaging bad habits in 2016 5ce390ca8e754

Leave These Eye-damaging Bad Habits in 2016

Each New Year brings the admirable and highly anticipated annual list of resolutions. Whether it be eating healthier, striving to actually use your gym membership, or even to simply finish that Netflix series you started 6 months ago, we are all guilty of promising ourselves a certain degree of self-improvement with the start of a […]

diabetic eye disease month what you need to know 5ce390cf586dd

Diabetic Eye Disease Month: What You Need to Know

3.6 million Americans, ages 40 and older, suffer from diabetic retinopathy, a devastating disease that leads to impairment or loss of vision, even blindness. What’s really frightening? Many patients don’t realize they have the disease until it is too late and their vision has already deteriorated. November is National Diabetic Eye Disease Month and we […]

the dangers of halloween contacts 5ce390d56fc1b

The Dangers of Halloween Contacts

Wearing costume contact lenses with your Halloween costume can be a real scream on Trick-or-Treat night or at your next party. But the scare factor from non-prescription contact lenses is all too real. Millions of people will buy non-medical contact lenses this month and the chemical exposure from these lenses along with the poor fit […]

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