Posted by: Albany Cornea | Center For Eye Care Excellence in Kybella

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A double-chin is a dreaded cosmetic problem that affects a decent percentage of the population. Historically, the fatty tissue that would accumulate beneath a person’s chin (called submental fullness) could only be removed through liposuction. While the minor surgical procedure is still used by plastic surgeons, a new solution for submental fullness has been developed. We are proud to offer patients of our Albany office the opportunity to sculpt their jawline and chin without surgery. Here, we discuss some details about Kybella that you may want to know.

Many people find Kybella an appealing option for double-chin treatment because the process does not involve surgery. Beyond this aspect of treatment, there are important things to know in order to determine whether Kybella is right for you:

  • Kybella injections are convenient. Injectable treatments are some of the least time-consuming of all procedures performed today. Kybella does take slightly longer than, say, Botox, due to the number of injections administered in a single appointment. However, patients are typically back to their normal activity within an hour.
  • Kybella can be comfortable. Patient comfort is important to us. We can understand how the idea of multiple injections can be daunting. Rest assured, we do not take this lightly. Before administering treatment, we apply a topical anesthetic to the area where injections will occur. This numbing medication can take approximately 30 to 45 minutes to work, which is why each treatment can take about an hour. Once we commence with injections, patients typically feel very little sensation beyond a slight pinprick.
  • It gets worse before it gets better. This is a detail that is important to know: Kybella will cause swelling. This relates primarily to the insertion of deoxycholic acid into the dermal space. Multiple injections introduce a fair amount of liquid into fatty tissue. This gets absorbed and dismantles the walls of each cell so unwanted fat can be metabolized. In the interim, though, the upper neck may appear fuller and will quite possibly feel “slushy.” This decreases over several days.
  • Fat reduction occurs over time. After initial swelling, the fat cells targeted with Kybella break down. The lymph system can then process the “floating” fat and eliminate it for good. Fat processing can take several weeks and may reach optimal levels with a series of treatments.
  • Kybella does not tighten skin. It is important to have realistic expectations of what Kybella can do. Even neck liposuction is limited to fat-removal only. People with extremely loose skin may not be satisfied with the results of fat-reduction and may be better suited to a procedure such as a neck lift.

Mild to moderate submental fullness is no match for Kybella. Learn more at 518.475.1515.