Posted by: Albany Cornea | Center For Eye Care Excellence in Cataract Surgery

According to statistics, approximately 90% of older adults will develop cataracts. This condition is a leading cause of vision loss. Fortunately, the clouding that is caused by a buildup of protein in the lens of the eye is not irreparable. Cataract surgery has been one of the most common eye procedures for many years. This technique replaces the clouded lens with a clear, artificial lens that is no thicker than the original. It looks and feels no different.
While cataract removal surgery has been common for several years, the procedure needed some improvement. Decades ago, early cataract patients had lenses replaced with intraocular lenses (IOL) that were clear but that had no refractive power. This resulted in patients having to rely on very thick eyeglasses to see well. If you’ve ever heard the term “coke-bottle glasses,” now you know what it means and who it applied to. Today, we’ve got numerous options for restoring vision after cataract surgery. These options not only prevent the need for coke-bottle glasses but they help people eliminate or reduce their need for eyeglasses altogether. Here, we offer some tips to help you begin to determine which IOL choice may be right for you.
Questions for Lens Selection
As you begin to think about having cataracts removed, it helps to think about what you want your life to look like after your vision is once again clear. Ask important questions like:
- What is most important, to see up close or far away? Do I want to be able to drive or play sports without glasses or read without glasses?
- How important is it for me to minimize the need for eyeglasses?
- How active is my lifestyle and how will new intraocular lenses support me?
Options for Intraocular Lenses
Intraocular lenses are no longer standard. Technology has caught up to the individual needs that patients have. Some of the common intraocular lens options available today include:
- Monofocal lenses. This type of IOL has one refractive power It is customized by taking measurements of each eye. With a monofocal lens, one eye sees far and one eye sees up close. Together, they work in unison to form clear vision. This choice may eliminate the need for eyeglasses after surgery.
- Multifocal lenses. This type of IOL creates near and distance focal points by dividing the light that enters the eye. Both eyes will be able to adjust to near and far vision. This can result in a wider visual range but may also increase contrast sensitivity, especially at night.
- Toric lenses. This premium IOL is designed for astigmatism correction. It’s various refractive powers across the lens help achieve clear, crisp vision.
Our office in Slingerlands, NY provides friendly, professional care. For more information regarding cataract removal, call 518.475.1515">518.475.1515.