Posted by: Albany Cornea | Center For Eye Care Excellence in Aesthetics

In recent years, several collagen-induction treatments have been developed. Microneedling is one that has become popular for its ease and efficiency. This technique for bringing more collagen into the epidermis is an enhanced form of dermal rolling; one that achieves maximum results in a shorter period of time and with greater precision than its DIY alternative. Microneedling reaches depths of approximately 2mm in a brief appointment after which few side effects occur. The no-downtime process can be repeated as often as every 4 weeks as a way to continually stimulate sleepy fibroblast cells to make skin-tightening and smoothing proteins.
If you’re interested in younger-looking skin, a microneedling treatment is worth considering. Our microneedling technique includes the application of platelet-rich plasma, a blood product that contains growth factors and nutrients vital to tissue regeneration. Now that you know what a microneedling treatment stimulates beneath the surface of the skin, you need to know what to expect on the surface.
Side effects of microneedling are very mild. This is one of the reasons patients are attracted to this technique. For 24 to 48 hours after microneedling, the following may occur:
- When we make hundreds of tiny channels in the skin, there is going to be a reaction. The microchannels close within a few minutes but the increase in circulation through the epidermis may cause transient redness. This typically subsides within 24 hours.
- Swelling and bruising. Some areas are more delicate than others. Where the skin is thinner and there is less fat, mild bruising or swelling may occur after microneedling. The eyes are a common area where this may be seen. Fortunately, swelling and bruising are relatively uncommon and they also fade within about 24 hours if they do develop.
- The texture of the skin may change a few days after microneedling. This can happen because old cells are loosening and falling off to make way for new cells to emerge. Roughness may last a day or two while cellular turnover is happening. During this time, it is important to be gentle with the skin.
Your skin needs continual support that extends beyond daily cleansing and moisturizing. Microneedling with PRP offsets the loss of collagen and elastin that occurs with age. To schedule your consultation for this treatment, call our Slingerlands, NY office at 518.475.1515">518.475.1515.