Sutured Intraocular Lens

Occasionally after cataract surgery, some eyes lack the support to adequately place an intraocular implant. These types of patients have had a history of cataract surgery, typically many years ago, and were left aphakic, meaning they did not have an implant.
Or these patients have had past IOL complications, which include IOL dislocation that requires IOL exchange. As with any procedure that includes sutures, there is an increased risk of infection, but Dr. Schultze or Dr. Eden will prescribe you eye drops to help keep your eyes safe while they heal.
Drs. Schultze and Eden, in most cases, are able to suture an intraocular implant in place. The placement of this lens can often lead to positive visual results. Visit our page on the various intraocular lenses that provide different visual results for you based on your lifestyle. By working together with your surgeon, you will be able to determine what type of IOL is best suited for you based on your regular activities. For example, if you drive often, it might be more beneficial for you to have a lens implanted that corrects your distance vision and then use reading glasses as needed. And now these lenses are available for an even wider range of patients, including those whose eyes were not strong enough for lens implants after cataract surgery. Through research and innovation, eye care has become better than ever, and more available than ever. At Center For Eye Care Excellence, we will be able to give you the highest and most advanced quality of care.