Posted by: Albany Cornea | Center For Eye Care Excellence in Uncategorized

Little kid in ski clothing wearing a helmet and goggles

From snow glare to Christmas tree injuries to champagne corks gone awry, our eyes encounter a wide array of seasonal dangers during winter. While it may be unreasonable to wear safety goggles while playing with new toys on Christmas morning, being aware of potential hazards can help keep your holidays injury-free and full of cheer! This Safe Toys and Celebrations Month, follow our safety tips below to learn how to avoid potential hazards for your best eye health.
1. Avoid Snow Glare
Because snow and ice reflect up to 80% of sun and UV rays, forgoing sunglasses while driving can be dangerous. Not wearing goggles while skiing could lead to the temporary, yet painful condition, photo-keratitis. Because snow and ice are incredibly reflective, be sure to wear proper eye protection, either sunglasses or snow goggles, to keep vision clear and eyes free from UV damage.
2. Keep Christmas Trees Safe
Christmas trees have a number of risks to consider. Not only are pine needles sharp, but even the adornments of Christmas trees can prove potentially hazardous— especially for small children. Be sure to hang glass ornaments and pointed string lights out of children’s reach.
3. Pop Champagne Safely
Festivities often call for champagne, but the pressure inside the bottle is strong enough to launch a cork over 40 feet, so a misaimed pop could spell disaster. Be sure to aim corks away from guests (and yourself!), firmly grasp the bottle, and carefully open it to avoid potential mishaps or injuries.
4. Sharp or Dangerous Toys
Toy-related injuries account for over 250,000 cases annually, landing many children in the emergency room during the holiday season. When choosing toys for kids, be sure to consider children’s ages and maturity levels before purchasing sharp, pointed or projectile toys. To ensure safety, adults should provide instruction and supervision.
Ready to Schedule Your Next Appointment?
With these safety tips in mind, you and your family can have a happy holiday— free of worry and full of celebration. For more information about eye safety or to schedule an appointment, call us today. Our friendly staff is happy to help you keep your vision healthy year-round.