Dry Eye Symptoms
At Center For Eye Care Excellence, we want all of our patients to live comfortably, free of dry and painful eyes, which is why we are dedicated to treating dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome can be debilitating and make life hard to enjoy. Signs and symptoms include:
Dry Eye Causes
Dry and bothered eyes can be caused by a number of things: allergies, prolonged contact use and straining your eyes. But dry eyes can also be caused by dry eye syndrome, which is a condition caused by an insufficient amount of tears that lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are a necessary part of maintaining healthy eyes. Besides providing lubrication and nourishment, tears also keep the eyes clean and essentially wash the cornea (the surface of the eye), keeping it clear. This is a common and chronic condition for older adults.
Other causes include the following:
Dry Eye Treatment Options
At-Home Dry Eye Relief
There are even things you can do at home to relieve some of the symptoms of dry eye. A humidifier in rooms you use often can greatly reduce the dryness you feel in your eye, as can wearing glasses that wrap around the edges of your eyes to protect them from windy environments.
Artifical Tears
To truly make your eye comfortable again and free of the painful symptoms of dry eye syndrome, we typically treat your eyes with artificial tears. These artificial tears are able to re-lubricate the eye to bring you relief from the dryness.
Temporarily or Permanently Closing the Tear Drain
In the most severe cases, we may temporarily or permanently close the tear drain to try and rebalance the amount of tears your eye produces. In these cases, a simple surgery is performed where a tiny silicon plug is placed into the tear drain. If the silicone plugs have a positive effect, then a more permanent plug can replace it, ideally making your eyes permanently comfortable.
Intense Pulse Therapy (IPL)
Dry eye treatment with use of Intense pulsed light applied on the eyelid skin targeting the inflammation and abnormal blood vessels which contribute to dry eye disease.
We can also treat chalazions with this, though it may take 1-3 treatments to resolve, spaced 2-3 days apart.
Another treatment option for dry eye is the LipiFlow system, a localized heat and pressure therapy. Many longtime sufferers of dry eye use medications and hot compresses to treat their condition. LipiFlow uses a single-use eyepiece to relieve blockage of the meibomian glands. You may liken it to a “hot stone massage” for your eye lids. This controlled heat and massage allows your blocked glands to open.
Our physicians may also recommend PROKERA, a biological corneal bandage device, to treat dry eye, reduce inflammation and promote regenerative healing.
Research and FDA Trials
At Center For Eye Care Excellence, we are constantly researching newer and even better ways to treat eye conditions like dry eye syndrome. We participated in the FDA trials that ultimately led to the approval of the prescription strength eye drop, Restasis. Restasis can actually help your body to create more of its own tears, instead of just relying on artificial tears. There are even some cases in which we can use components from the natural serum in your own eye to ensure there is enough lubrication. We stay at the front of our field in research and treatments so that our patients have the healthiest eyes possible.